Send a product image

Send a product image

Since every picture is worth (at least almost) a thousand words, we love adding pictures to our store. The pictures sent by customers give good information about the usability of our products. That's why we are always happy to publish more pictures of dolls with our products.

The photo may have a signature, which you can use to advertise your own doll blog / insta account / etc. through us as the sender of the photo. No text is attached to the photo, but we frame all photos with a "Customer's photo" frame. or "Asiakkaan kuva" in Finnish.

Pictures are published on the product presentation pages. We reserve the right to crop images if necessary. Pictures are welcome by email to

Thanks to all our customers who have already sent pictures of their dolls wearing the items they got from 1to6ware of Kukkasen Puoti (which is our name in Finnish).